The 21-Day 
Inverted Pyramid Shaped 
Meal Plan
Eat all the right foods to lose unhealthy body fat that gets placed throughout the upper body: upper body, upper backupper arms and upper abdomen area
  • Perfect Size Meal Plan: Get 21 Full Days of the Inverted Pyramid-Shaped Meal Plan
  • Delicious Recipes: Prepare simple, but delicious recipes to turn your metabolism on! 
  • The Snack Attack List: Don't guess what to eat in between meals. Now you'll know.
  • *BONUS* Cleanse: Kickstart every week with the 1-Day Primer Cleanse.
  • ​Expert Advice: You'll get a guided coaching emails from Traci.

  •  Are you tired of dieting? Follow this 21-Day Meal Plan to eat the foods your Inverted Pyramid-Shaped body is in need of. Balance hormones, get rid of toxins and say goodbye to counting calories! 
  • When was the last time you saw real results?  Feeling motivated want to see results? Follow The Primer 1-Day Food-Based Cleanse to clear out toxins to make the Inverted Pyramid-Shaped Meal Plan even more effective.
  • Do you ever struggle with bloating, indigestion or fatigue? Amazing, but natural things happen to your body when you start eating right! Your body starts to get on track in more ways than one. Increased energy, improved digestion and a good night of sleep happen when you start eating right. 

What People Are Saying

Purchase the Inverted Pyramid-Shaped Meal Plan and 
Start Eating Right for Your Body Type

  • Perfect Size Meal Plan: Get 21 Full Days of the Inverted Pyramid-Shaped Meal Plan.
  • Delicious Recipes: Prepare simple, but delicious recipes to turn your metabolism on! 
  • Bonus Cleanse: Kickstart your body with the Primer 1-Day Food-Based Cleanse.
  • ​Expert Advice: You'll get a video tutorial, tips and tools from Traci straight to your inbox.

Purchase Now:


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